
Carante Group opts for INISI and PRTG to monitor network

Carante Group is a partnership of twelve independent organizations. These organizations are regionally, spread throughout the Netherlands, active in the care and service of people with intellectual and/or physical disabilities, psychiatry, (psycho)geriatrics, youth services and the welfare sector.

To support the business processes, the organizations use a shared ICT infrastructure. Carante Group's Computerization & Automation department takes care of the technical application management of the central applications in the field of HRM, Electronic Client File and BI.

Continuity and availability

At the moment we are working towards a new digital workplace, which makes the work easier for the care worker. This increases the importance of the availability of the applications. To ensure the continuity of the IT environment, Carante Group has therefore chosen to monitor the network with Paessler's PRTG network monitor.

No remote deployment required

A major advantage of the PRTG Network Monitor is the remote probe feature that allows you to monitor multiple locations remotely, including smaller locations. As a result, you don't have to implement expensive and complex installation at each individual location. The remote probes record all the data and send it to the central installation, where the data is stored, analyzed and visualized.

Real-time insight

In addition, the dashboard feature provides instant insight using real-time maps with live status information.

PRTG's solution supports all key technologies, such as SNMP, WMI, and Windows Performance Counters, SSH, Network Traffic Analysis with Flow Protocols or Packet Sniffing and HTTP Requests.

Learn more

Would you like to know more about PRTG's network monitoring solution or how you can use network monitoring strategically in your specific situation? Please contact INISI on 010 436 88 22 or send an email asking for bart.bossers(at)inisi.com.

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